>Plantain for Bites & Stings

I just have to add more on the plantain. I love to read & I was re-reading this post & thought to myself “what is a refrigerant?” in regards to plantain? So with further research I found the answer knowing someone else out there is wondering the same.  I found this latest info at this site: http://www.herballegacy.com/Ahlborn_Medicinal.html


Refrigerant in relation to plantain:Plantain does an excellent job as a deobstruent. Removing foreign objects and particles from the body. Teamed up with cayenne the unwanted items work their way out even faster. Plantain’s refrigerant qualities soothe and cool sores and ulcers. It is excellent to ease and heal hemorrhoids as a tea injected after each bowel movement and applied externally.

It is also used for scrofula and specific or non-specific glandular diseases as well as mercurial poisoning. I have a friend who suffers horribly from mercury poisoning due to a Measles, Mumps & Rubella vaccine.
This herb is used as a vulnerary to heal wounds, cuts and scratches. Because it is found in high traffic areas around playgrounds, baseball fields and parks it is easy to grab, crush and use. Since it contains epidermal growth factor, it can be used in place of comfrey to repair damaged tissue, treat bruises and broken bones.
Plantain tea or juice will heal sunburn, burns, mild ulcers and scalds.  James Duke in his book “The Green Pharmacy” explains that plantain has been one of the most popular folk remedies for burns in the United States of America. It doesn’t have the research backing that Aloe vera has for this task but appears to be a good substitute when Aloe is not available.
Plantain soothes the cough reflex. It is used for asthma, lung infections, and hay fever relief. It is effective for hoarseness, and bronchial infections. It is also used for respiratory problems that involve mucous congestion.  This herb depresses the secretion of mucous, especially in the respiratory system.
I would caution you on the use of sweetening the tea. Sugar inhibits absorption of certain vitamins, especially calcium for up to 4 hours after ingestion. So it could be non productive to the healing process of plantain if added. So what’s a person to do without sweetener? Enjoy it for its healing properties & do without the sweet. I rarely sweeten a tea for healing, so it can be done. If you must, use a light honey. Or some birch bark, http://www.mountainroseherbs.com/search/search.php?refine=y&keywords=Birch+Bark&x=0&y=0 just put it in with the steeping process & the sweet is all you will need.
I love the story Shoshanna tells of her weeding day plantain use read it here: http://www.bulkherbstore.com/articles/plantain-the-wedding-saver?s=Admin%20|%20Plantain
I have to say the person who wrote the information at the site I shared here  is wrong! this is the statement :Cows and horses do not usually take it on their own but it can be used internally and externally with them. I have a normal milk cow & she loves my plantain. I don’t have to pick it to give it to her. She gobbles it up all by herself! So that means when we drink her milk~we are getting a good dose of healthy milk laden with plantain.

Plantain is not a banana. It is a “weed” in most everyone’s yard. Unless you spray chemicals to kill everything but the grass, you likely have plenty. There are two kinds that are known for their healing properties & are common. English Plantain and Common Plantain. They both have healing properties but the English is not as strong as the common. I keep the English growing more for decoration than use. We do add some to our salads now and again.

The seeds are edible as well. The best thing about plantain is its ability to draw out bites & stings. From spider bites to snake bites. Bee & hornet stings. For an emergency situation grab a few leaves, chew (do not swallow) & take spit with chewed leaves & apply to bite or sting. Continue this until the swelling stops. If you require hospital care, do this on the way. 

You can make a tincture with apple cider vinegar. Take a glass gallon container, fill 1/3 of the way with packed in fresh plantain leaves. Fill the jar with a gallon of apple cider vinegar. Organic is best here because there are times where you will need to ingest the tincture for some situations. Especially for snake bite or a serious spider bite. Seal to keep out bugs. Stir daily for 6 weeks. Strain & put in dark wine or root beer bottles. Will keep indefinitely. If you are like me, you give a lot of it away or go through it fast. I make a gallon & always have to make more the next year.  

The healing properties abound with plantain. The leaves, the root & the seeds/flower are all beneficial. The seeds are known as 
P.Psyllium. Yes its that psyllium. Used for moving the bowels, taken with lots of water. It will clear the bowels of constipation or correct diarrhea.  

The leaves and the seed are medicinal used as an antibacterial, antidote, astringent, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antitussive, cardiac, demulcent, diuretic, expectorant, haemostatic, laxative, ophthalmic, poultice, refrigerant, and vermifuge. Medical evidence exists to confirm uses as an alternative medicine for asthma, emphysema, bladder problems, bronchitis, fever, hypertension, rheumatism and blood sugar control. A decoction of the roots is used in the treatment of a wide range of complaints including diarrhoea, dysentery, gastritis, peptic ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, haemorrhage, haemorrhoids, cystitis, bronchitis, catarrh, sinusitis, coughs, asthma and hay fever.

The heated leaves are used as a wet dressing for wounds, skin inflammations, malignant ulcers, cuts, stings and swellings and said to promote healing without scars. Poultice of hot leaves is bound onto cuts and wounds to draw out thorns, splinters and inflammation. The root is said to be used as an anti-venom for rattlesnake bites.

“Medicinal” herb tea: For colds and flu use 1 tbls. dry or fresh whole Plantain (seed, root, and leaves) to 1 cup boiling water, steep 10 min. strain, sweeten. Drink through the day.

Great to include in a garden salad. I make salves using Plantain which is great for diaper rash & wounds & scrapes of life.    You may think you have a lot till you need to pick for use. Then suddenly you realize there is not as much as you thought..but fear not, it will return if you leave it to go to seed a couple times through the growing season. Be sure to gather plenty to dry for the winter month’s use. I store mine in brown paper bags. The quickest way to dry a lot of plantain is in the summertime hot car. Wash it first with water then pat dry on a lint free towel & put on towels or trays & place in the car during a hot summer day & it will be dry quickly…do not store till you know it is crunchy dry or Mold is the enemy here.

English Plantain has tall Shoots, the leaves are narrow & darker than Common Plantain~
english plantain Wasp stings and Mosquito Bites   Toothpaste, Ice, and Plantain